Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ingalls and Longs Passes, June 25th, 2011

Pineapple Pass from Alpental, June 6th, 2011

The skintracksnowshoeboottread highway.

Dan at the entrance to the Great Scott Bowl.
Snow Lake Divide behind.

The view north while approaching Pineapple Pass.
The white lump at upper left is Glacier Peak.

Anita entering the Great Scott Bowl on the way to Pineapple Pass.

The view south from Pineapple Pass.
Silver Peak on the left and the Big R beyond.

The Tooth (and its satellite spires) with Bryant Peak, and then Chair Peak, in the distance from Pineapple Pass.

Kendall Peak Lakes, May 1st, 2011

On the road to Kendall Peak Lakes.

Kendall Peak and the bowl that holds the lakes.

Rainier and Silver Peak

The Alpental Valley. Chair Peak is the pointy one in the upper middle.

Looking east to Kachess Lake and Mt Margaret.

Windy Pass, March 27th, 2011

Brian and I went up to do a portion of the Mt Catherine Loop. We started from the top of Silver Fir chair and after a sidetrip up and down a little slope above Rockdale Bowl I had eyed from the back side of Hyak the week before, we headed out Ripsaw and up to Windy Pass. Brian continued on the circuit, while I played around with my new XCD skis on the slopes of Windy Acres.

Granite Mt. from the Rockdale Bowl Viewpoint.

From the top of the little slope above Rockdale Bowl. Grand Junction/Rockdale lake below.

The little slope. Brian is in there somewhere.

The exit from the bottom of the little slope onto Ripsaw.

Windy Acres from Windy Pass. Silver Peak is obscured by clouds.