Monday, June 18, 2012

Lundin Couloir, June 3, 2012

A rather ugly start to a rather unpleasant tour.

Majestic old fir at the rim of Commonwealth Basin.
Commonwealth Creek, at the entrance to Commonwealth Basin
My objective was the snow couloir in the upper right of this picture. A grove of subalpine fir blocks the entrance to the start of the couloir.
Avalanche debris at the base of the Lundin Couloir. There was a grove of subalpine firs filling the entrance to the middle third of the couloir. I named it The Strainer. It was steep and the firs created a snaggle-toothed environment that couldn't be bypassed.
Looking up at the final climb to the col at the top. Unfortunately, this was my high point.
Looking down on the middle third of the couloir from my high point. (You can see The Strainer in the middle of the picture.) I stopped here to eat some food and hydrate. Within minutes, a squall blew through, making everything wet. I was figuring to wait this out and get to the top of the route, but then the thunder starts rolling in. Time to go down.