Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Summerland, Mt Rainier, August 6th, 2010

I went up to Chinook Pass the day before my birthday and climbed Yakima and Naches Peaks.
I spent the night somewhere along Crystal Mt Blvd and then hiked in to Summerland on my birthday (August 6th)to find some turns.

Panhandle Gap to Goat Cirque

The view of Little Tahoma with Rainier behind, from Summerland.

The view leading toward Panhandle Gap and Goat Cirque. I skied a couple of laps on the slope in the middle of the picture, and then continued on down to where this picture was taken.

My birthday present to myself. A high mileage-to-turns ratio, but then it was a nice day in a very pretty place.

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